Promise Community Health Center is excited to help you and your family stay safe in the sun this August by providing you with some helpful tips!
At Promise Community Health Center, we know you care about keeping your family healthy. Getting outside this summer is at the top of everyone’s mind. Whether you’re going on a road trip, sending your kids to camp or just relaxing by the pool, these tips can help keep your family safe this summer season. Throughout this month, we will be posting different summer sun safety tips and that you can implement to have a fun and safe summer. These tips come from our mental health, medical, dental, population health, and women’s health departments.
Some of the tips include suggestions for spending time outside, staying hydrated, and protecting your skin from the sun. Remember, if you feel sick and suspect it may be heat-related, find a spot away from the sun and drink some water. Seek medical help if you still don’t feel better. If you experience very high body temperature, rapid pulse, or dizziness it can be an emergency. Get medical help immediately.