Thank you to everyone who attended the Evening of Promise event and made it an unforgettable night!
On October 27th, the 13th annual Evening of Promise event was held at Terrace View Event Center in Sioux Center, Iowa. This year 85 staff and spouses, and 176 community members attended the event for a total of 261 people in attendance. This is more than double the number of people who joined us in 2021. An Evening of Promise is Promise Community Health Center’s annual fundraising event where guests learn about the exciting things happening at Promise and where the funds raised during the event will go.

I am blown away by everyone’s generosity and empathic responses to our patients – the money donated is ALREADY reaching the patients who need it! The night was fun and incredible to know everyone was there for the same powerful purpose.
The evening began with a welcome from the MC, Jeff Rens. During this time, he seized the opportunity to make some good-natured jokes about Promise CEO, Emily Tuschen, and Addink Award Recipient, Representative Randy Feenstra. Emily Tuschen then addressed the crowd and gave a moving speech in which she spoke about the new services Promise has offered in 2022, the organization’s mission, and commended the staff who work diligently to make Promise the high-performing patient-focused health clinic that it is. She said, “Promise does not define success by dollars in the bank or revenue generated from operations; success is defined by the number of patient lives impacted. Decisions are made based on patient-centered care and that mission is instilled inside of us.”
What an incredible evening! It amazes me how much community we can create and reach out to in one, single evening. An absolute blast!

Mental Health Therapists, Yaby Doornink, LMSW, and Osiris Ordaz, LMHC then spoke about the importance of the mental health services provided at Promise and about the creation of the Healing Hearts Mental Health Fund. The Healing Hearts fund was established at Promise Community Health Center to be able to provide support to children, adults, and families who have financial barriers to mental health therapy. Funds donated, directly support patients with therapy treatment services at Promise. Yaby and Osiris also shared two emotional and compelling testimonies from patients whom they walked alongside in therapy sessions in the last year. One of the patients had this to say about her experience at Promise, “I am blessed with angels at Promise. It is because of every one of you in the clinic and in this community that me and my child are alive. Your prayers are appreciated and if my story can help even one more person, I would tell my story 100 times.”

Our entire table was moved to tears to hear the hard work these individuals are putting in with our therapists and the healing they have experienced because of the work of the Promise team. The Healing Hearts fund will be an important contribution to Promise going forward. It is so exciting that so many people will now have access to healing because of these funds.
Throughout the amazing dinner prepared by The Triple Box and wonderful entertainment from The Dueling Duo, Dueling Pianos, guests were invited to donate to the Healing Hearts Mental Health Fund. The goal for the night was to raise $10,000. During the evening, more than $15,000 was raised, and with an additional $5,000 donation from the Dorothy E McCormack Charitable Trust Foundation, more than $20,000 was raised for the Healing Hearts fund! We could not have surpassed this goal without everyone’s generous contributions. Thank you for making a difference in patients’ lives. Promise appreciates your support and is honored to walk alongside people as they heal and grow! #HereForEveryStep
I loved hearing the Mental Health Team share about the work they do and how people heal and grow! I’m so proud of Promise and it was a wonderful night to celebrate!

A special thank you to all our sponsors…
– Perdue Premium Meat Co.
– Premier Communications
– American State Bank
– Schelling Construction
– Peoples Bank
– Ten Kredit Electric
– EDA Inc.
– Kroese & Kroese
– Ver Hoef Automotive