26 Mar
March is National Nutrition Month! It’s the perfect time to think about your health and wellness and find ways to improve it. A great place to start is mindful eating!

Did you know it can be just as healthy to change HOW you eat instead of WHAT you eat?
- How fast are you eating? We live in a society that tends to eat fast. Look at all the drive throughs to demonstrate the speed at which we eat.
- Why is this a problem? Eating fast can sometimes cause us to consume extra calories, feel hungrier sooner after a meal, and increase our risk for diseases such as diabetes or heart problems. Eating slowly can be better for our health.
- How long should it take for me to eat? It takes 20 minutes for our stomach to tell our brain that we are full. Eating slowly can help us lose weight, increase satisfaction after eating, and improve our health, such as insulin sensitivity and heart health
How can I eat slowly? Here are a few suggestions to help you eat slowly. Choose the ideas that work best for you:
- Sit down at a table when you are eating a meal whenever possible
- Removed distractions before starting your meal (e.g., turn off the ringer on your phone, avoid eating in front of the television)
- Focus on your meal and think about the different textures and smells
- Try to take longer chewing by setting down your cutlery between bites and drinking water with your meal
- Socialize with those around you
- Try to eat when you are hungry instead of ravenous

Slowing down while eating will increase your enjoyment of your meal and help you feel satisfied. Before changing WHAT you eat, start with changing HOW you eat!