While February is often associated with cold weather and love, it’s also nationally recognized as Heart Health Awareness Month! Love may be mysterious, but heart health is grounded in science, making it much easier to understand and manage.
Everyone’s heart health is unique. What’s ideal for one person may look different for another. Avoid comparing your health to others and instead focus on the factors you can control.
Use the American College of Cardiology Risk Estimator to assess your heart health by evaluating key risk factors. Please note that this tool is only for individuals who have not experienced a previous heart event. If your results are moderate to high, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your primary care provider. If you don’t have one, Promise offers both male and female providers who are accepting new patients. Call us at 712-722-1700 to schedule your appointment.
People at all risk levels benefit from healthy habits. Let’s explore the key areas you can manage:
- Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and BMI: Regular exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables contribute to maintaining these important health measures.
- Smoking: If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke and want to quit, our health coaches and pharmacist can provide tools and medications to help you stop.
- Stress: Managing stress is essential for heart health. Promise’s trained therapists are available to provide resources and support.
- Social Factors: Your environment, income level, and social connections can all influence heart health. Social isolation and financial stress are linked to poorer health outcomes. At Promise, we understand that these factors matter. Our social work specialist is available to connect you with community resources, financial assistance programs, and social support networks.
- Exercise: The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week, plus muscle-strengthening exercises twice weekly. “Moderate aerobic activity” simply means anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you a little out of breath.
- Nutrition: With so many diet trends, it can be confusing to know what’s best. A balanced diet that’s sustainable long-term is the most effective way to maintain good health.