Your generous contribution can make a world of difference in the lives of our patients. Partner with us to...
The Addink Community Service Award is presented annually to an individual, team, business, ministry or family, who has made a positive...
Erica Robertson, RN, CLC - OB Coordinator, OB Clinic Nurse, and Certified Lactation Counselor has worked at Promise Community...
Promise Community Health Center is very excited to announce the opportunity to get involved with a Walking Group this...
Promise is breaking ground for our $5.1 million expansion on the east side of our existing structure! Building plans...
“Love the patients and the patients will love you back” These are the words that would be at the heart...
Audra DeGroot, one of Promise Community Health Center’s certified nurse midwives began working at Promise in 2021. When she...
Kari Ney, one of Promise Community Health Center’s certified nurse midwives began working at Promise in 2013. Promise’s mission...
Promise Community Health Center is excited to announce an amazing partnership with Sioux Center Health!
Promise Community Health Center recently partnered with Habitat for Humanity by donating a home that will serve as a...