Take it from me, if you’ve ever been to see a doctor, you will most definitely recall hearing the three important words – ‘prevention is key.’
While some healthcare prevention topics are easy to remember; like mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, and annual wellness exams, others may just sneak by. One of the common prevention strategies in healthcare which can be easily forgotten is vaccination. Getting your recommended vaccines on time is extremely important to your overall health, and ensuring you are preventing potentially life-threatening diseases.
At Promise CHC, we take every opportunity to ensure your vaccine status is up to date. From birth through adulthood, Promise providers and staff will assist you and your family in determining what vaccines are needed in order to protect your health.

Unsure of your vaccine status? No problem! Contact us at Promise CHC to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members about what vaccines you or your family members may be missing.
No medical insurance or worried about the ability to pay? No problem! We offer free vaccines for children and teens ages birth – 18 who do not have insurance or are considered underinsured. For adults, we offer patient assistance for certain vaccines which may allow you to receive free or discounted vaccines.
New to Promise? No problem! We love new patients and would love to serve you! If you are able, please bring a copy of any previous vaccines you have received.