The American Heart Association has named the first Wednesday of April National Walking Day to celebrate the heart health benefits of being active. But, here at Promise Community Health Center, we like to celebrate walking all month long.
The human body is amazing in the way it adapts to the challenges placed on it. Without stimulation to maintain muscle, bone density, or aerobic capacity, the body fades these attributes away. Walking is a simple and inexpensive way to place temporary stress on our bodies. Continuing to challenge the body through movement improves blood sugar use, improves gas exchange at the cellular level, increases bone density, improves blood pressure, is helpful in weight management, and strengthens many muscles, including the heart. Additionally, exercise like walking has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression by lifting mood. But, we’ve always known walking is good for us. Let’s get down to how to get started or return to walking.
Equipment check – Walking requires a pair of shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather. Got what you need? Great. If not, keep an eye out for a deal or talk to someone with experience in walking to see what they find helpful.