Since 2020, Promise Community Health Center has been blessing some of our amazing local families with our Angel Tree Program! Over the years, Promise staff have blessed families with over 100+ gifts!

This Christmas season Promise will again bless local families with much needed household supplies, clothing and gifts. The staff will come together and purchase these gifts then Kailee, Promise’s Social Worker, will deliver the gifts to Promise families.
If you’d like to donate instead, click or scan the photo above by December 10 and we’ll get the gifts for a family for you!
Throughout the year, we keep track of high need families in our community that face poverty, barriers, and this year, loss through flooding. We have more than 70 families that could greatly benefit from our Angel Tree Christmas Program – the highest number of families we have ever had to consider. Many of these families are unable to buy their children new clothing, toys, or simple household items. Being able to bless these families with something special for the holiday season would be amazing and would significantly alleviate financial burdens that these families face daily.– Kailee Jenness, Social Worker

This year, the needs are greater than ever. In response, Promise has made the decision to open our Angel Tree Program to our communities. For the first time, we’re reaching beyond our walls to help more families than we ever have before, and with so many in desperate need, it feels like the right moment to extend this chance to give.
We’re very excited to partner with local businesses, church groups, clubs, schools, and families who are ready to make a difference this Christmas. Together, we can bring hope and joy to those who need it most. Will you join us? Your support can light up a family’s holiday and remind them that they are not alone. Reach out today and be the blessing someone needs this season.

How does the Promise Angel Tree Program work?
- Promise works with your club, business, church, etc to find a family that fits your request best.
- Promise will send you clothing sizes, requested needs and information about the family you are paired with.
- Once all the gifts are wrapped and labeled, Promise can pick up the gifts or they can be delivered to Promise for delivery to the local family.
To be paired with a local family this Christmas OR to answer more of your questions on the program, please contact Kailee, the Promise Community Health Center Social Worker at kjenness@promisechc.org.
This program is a true blessing, not just for our Promise families, but for our staff as well. We often take for granted the ability to give gifts at Christmas, but this program reminds us of the families in our community who can’t. It’s a chance for our team to give back, bringing joy to the incredible families we serve. Knowing they’re receiving not only care at Promise but also some Christmas surprises makes this season feel even more meaningful.– Kris Gesink, Director of Marketing