That tall, red-and-white hat. People instantly associate it with Dr. Seuss. “The Cat in the Hat,” “Green Eggs and Ham,” “Horton Hears a...
by Belinda Lassen, CNM, ARNP Certified nurse midwife Belinda Lassenholds baby Lidia during a checkup atPromise Community Health Center. According to, evidence-based maternity...
Inman will do so by serving as a behavioral health consultant at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center in a contract with Seasons...
Anthony was born Tuesday, Feb. 10, weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 21 inches. Nurse Kari Ney listens to baby Anthony’s heartbeat during...
Chia seeds. Are they a fad food? What are they good for? In our clinic at Promise Community Health Center, we talk chia...
by Derrick Vander Waal SIOUX CENTER – Tana Kass declared in the first grade that she was going to become a nurse when she...
by Brittany Hamm, RN, BSN SIOUX CENTER – Are you thinking about love this February? Consider taking time to find out about the health...
Brittany Hamm SIOUX CENTER – Las mujeres tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre diversos temas de la salud que les afectan y discutir maneras...
by Derrick Vander Waal Brittany Hamm SIOUX CENTER – Women will have an opportunity to learn about various health issues that affect them...
Evan De Groot often noticed that transportation was a need for some people coming to Promise Community Health Center. They didn’t have the money...
Promise Community Health Center is available to assist CoOportunity Health customers who have been encouraged to find a replacement health insurance policy before a...
Health-care and prescription medicine costs are a major concern for senior citizens on fixed incomes. Promise Community Health Center can help ease that burden...
Trying to navigate the American health-care system at the same time is all the more daunting. Promise Community Health Center personnel did what it could...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently announced $36.3 million in Quality Improvement Awards grants to 1,113 health centers in all 50...
Kass has practiced the last year and a half in Macy, NE, providing health care and emergency services to the Indian Health Services population....