Mr. Kezden Jon is the son of Austin & Shalee Hofman. The Hofmans delivered Kezden at Avera in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The Pedigo's received their prenatal care for baby Jude from Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center, Iowa,...
Miss Zoe is the daughter of Katie & Josh Doohen. The Doohen family had a home birth in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Dinner time at my house, has not always been my favorite part of the day. When my children were younger, it felt more like...
Tip #3 – Learn Skills to Create Tasty Meals - Over the last 2 years of health coaching, the most common complaint I hear is that of not knowing how to prepare and cook healthy food.
Devin and Sarah received their prenatal care for Bethany from Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center, Iowa,...
Tip #2 for National Nutrition Month is to plan your meals each week. The key to any habit is being able to repeat the...
Promise Community Health Center, Living Water Church in Sheldon, Iowa and Love Inc are excited to announce their new ministry partnership, RIDE SHARE.
The Pick's opened their home for Miss Kate's home birth in Akron, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney and OB Nurse Kris Tinklenberg helped...
The Promise team had the privilege of spending time with Sioux Center High School students to teach them about Promise Community Health Center and...
When was the last time you picked up a cookie, or an apple and thought, “What impact will this food have on my health?”...
Megan and Christian received their prenatal care for Cecilia from Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center, Iowa,...
Amy & Whitney received their prenatal care for Wyatt from Certified Nurse Midwife Belinda Lassen at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center, Iowa,...
Our Nurse Health Coaches are always looking for ways to better help Promise patients make lifestyle changes to positively impact their health. Amanda Rickard,...
Promise will be partnering with Sioux Center Health to provide patients who qualify with colonoscopies.
Amanda and Jason received their prenatal care for Zion from Certified Nurse Midwife Belinda Lassen at Promise Community Health Center in Sioux Center, Iowa.
Promise Community Health Center is excited to announce employee retention speaker and trainer, head hunter, human resources professional, father, coach, martial artist and U.S....
The Leusink family opened their home for Adam's home birth in Inwood, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney and OB Nurse Kris Tinklenberg helped...
The prestigious American Diabetes Association Education Recognition Certificate for a quality diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) service was recently awarded to Promise Community...
The key to any habit is being able to repeat the action consistently. Big wins come from small habits. As I have tried to create habits throughout my life, I have found that I have been most successful when I plan. Like actually sit down and write out a plan.