Save a seat for you and your team at this Professionalism Training Event!
Promise Community Health Center is excited to announce employee retention speaker and trainer, head hunter, human resources professional, father, coach, martial artist and U.S. Army veteran, Jeff Kortes.
Join our Promise Community Health Center Team to listen and learn from Jeff about C.R.A.P. (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise) in the work place! Drawing on decades of front-line HR experience, Jeff speaks on employee retention, worker recruitment, workplace culture & the emerging generation. Jeff’s unique insight enables participants to leave his sessions with actionable steps to begin building employee loyalty and to drive employee retention in their department or organization. Jeff’s presentations inspire audiences to take immediate action that strengthens their organizations’ workforces.
Read more about Jeff and his trainings here: jeffkortes.com

Tuesday, June 15, 2021
8am to 12pm
– Terrace Event Center in Sioux Center
– $50/ticket
– Light breakfast will be served
– Registration open until Monday, June 7
– Social Distancing and precautions will be taken at the event
– Fill out the form and submit to register today!