The victims of crime often feel isolated and alone.
The silent auction at Promise Community Health Center’s 10th annual “An Evening of Promise” Celebration and Fundraiser on Thursday,...
The fire inside Arthur Fratelli to perform and entertain was ignited when his uncle pulled a quarter out of...
Promise Community Health Center is planning its 10th annual “An Evening of Promise” Celebration and Fundraiser” for 6 p.m....
You've almost reached your goal!
With the completion of Week 6, you are now three-quarters of the way through your eight-week training plan for...
Dress up as a superhero and go for a run or walk.
Promise Community Health Center served more students than ever before for all four of the health services offered during...
Promise Community Health Center is inviting all area students to another Back-to-School Block Party on Wednesday, Aug. 1.
Whether you’re an avid cyclist or enjoy taking a leisurely ride with your children, you’ll enjoy the eighth annual...