Amanda and Jason received their prenatal care for Zion from Certified Nurse Midwife Belinda Lassen at Promise Community Health...
Promise Community Health Center is excited to announce employee retention speaker and trainer, head hunter, human resources professional, father,...
The Leusink family opened their home for Adam's home birth in Inwood, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney and...
The prestigious American Diabetes Association Education Recognition Certificate for a quality diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) service was...
The key to any habit is being able to repeat the action consistently. Big wins come from small habits. As I have tried to create habits throughout my life, I have found that I have been most successful when I plan. Like actually sit down and write out a plan.
The Gniffke family loved the moment Ian was born in the water and they were able to pull him...
The care and concern of the midwives was so personal and kind. It was always a blessing to be...
Phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccination will be activated on February 1, 2021. Phase 1B contains the following priority group...
Promise Community Health Center Leadership is proud to announce the establishment of the annual “Spirit of Promise” award. This...
Promise Community Health Center is so excited to announce our very own Michelle van Beek the Behavioral Health Coordinator...