Eyes open wide in amazement when a mother-to-be realizes for the first time that she is able to feel...
17 Nov
08 Sep
Babies, babies and more babies. August 2017 was the month of babies for the Promise Community Health Center midwifery team.
22 Aug
Erica Robertson has developed a passion for obstetrics and newborn care since becoming a nurse.
26 Feb
by Belinda Lassen, CNM, ARNP Certified nurse midwife Belinda Lassenholds baby Lidia during a checkup atPromise Community Health Center....
25 Feb
Anthony was born Tuesday, Feb. 10, weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 21 inches. Nurse Kari Ney listens...
20 Feb
Chia seeds. Are they a fad food? What are they good for? In our clinic at Promise Community...