Michelle van Beek began working at Promise Community Health Center in April of 2018 as the Mental Health Coordinator...
Emily Leinen, a Promise Community Healthcare Center practitioner, is enthusiastic about improving mental health awareness and destigmatizing mental health...
The campaign will highlight the members of the mental health team Dr. Valerie Stokes, Yaby Dornink, Emily Leinen, Osiris Ordaz, Michelle...
Here is a list of low-cost and accessible things to do and try day to day at work, home,...
Self-care is not a one-time experience it is an ongoing commitment to yourself. Bust some of your own personal self-care...
Figure out what makes you feel relaxed and practice your preferred form of self-care to receive maximum benefits. Make...
Mental health month may seem daunting if you know nothing about it or don’t know where to start. I...
At Promise, our bilingual and interpretation services are embedded into every department, even in therapy. Why? Because our patients...
May is National Mental Health Awareness month also known as Brain Health month.
However, food sharing and communal eating holds more weight than we may give it credit for.