The Addink Community Service Award is presented annually to one individual, or family, who has made a positive impact...
The Korthuis family opened their home for Walter Jon's home birth in Sioux Center, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwives Audra...
Hannah and Scott received their prenatal care for Mr. Emmett from Certified Nurse Midwives Kari Ney and Audra De...
Promise Community Health Center has scheduled three drive thru flu shot clinics. The dates are Wednesday, September 22, Wednesday,...
The Lavrenz family opened their home for Miss Charlie's home birth in Hornick, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwives Kari Ney...
Brandon and Liz received their prenatal care for Miss Arcadia from Certified Nurse Midwives Belinda Lassen and Audra De...
The Deckers opened their home for Asher's home birth in Centerville, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney and OB...
Elianne and Alex opened their home for Boaz's home birth in Sioux Center, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Kari Ney...
Promise is excited to invite the public to an Open House and Ribbon Cutting, Tuesday, August 10, to celebrate...
JoAnna and Darin opened their home for Elijah's home birth in Inwood, Iowa. Certified Nurse Midwife Belinda Lassen and...