Here’s a quick-glance review of the “ABCDE’s and F of Skin Spots”:
A = Asymmetry. Is one half of the skin spot is unlike the other half?
B = Border. Is the border irregular? Iis it scalloped or a poorly defined border?
C = Color. Is it varied from one area to another; does it have more than one or two colors, does it have shades of tan, brown or black, white, red or blue/grey?
D = Diameter. Is it bigger than 6 millimeters – the size of a pencil eraser?
E = Evolving. Does a mole or skin lesion look different than it used to? Is it changing in size, shape and or color? Is it growing up.
F = Funny-looking. If you notice a spot that looks different from any other spots that you have, or if it itches or bleeds, you should make an appointment to have it evaluated.
In addition to examining your own skin monthly, Schiltz says people should have their skin examined once a year by a medical provider and more often if you have a personal or family history of skin cancer.