The Sioux Center Kiwanis Club is announcing a new summer project to partner with Hope Food Pantry hosting a community cereal drive. The Hope Food Pantry is always in need of donations, but Marianne explained that cereal is one of the hardest things to keep on the shelves. Sioux Center Kiwanis will have a donation site in the Centre Mall and this will start on June 17 and go through the end of July!
The Promise Community Health Center staff is excited to begin collecting cereal to donate. But our question is, what is the best kind of cereal to purchase for families? Our Population Health Team shared some great info on what to look for in the cereal you purchase, to make sure these families and kiddos can get the nutrition they need. Check out their Cereal Checklist!
- Look for cereal that is all or nearly all whole grain
- Look at the ingredient list
- Look for ingredients you can pronounce
- First ingredient should be grains with the word whole in front of them
- Fiber content of 3 grams or greater
- Sugar content of less than 10 grams
The most recommended cereal was Cheerios! Not only does it fit the criteria above, BUT you can add any fruit to it very easily, you can add cheerios on top of your yogurt and even eat it plain!
Head over to your local grocery store, pick up some boxes of cereal and drop them off at the Centre Mall in Sioux Center for the Hope Food Pantry today!