Promise Community Health Center Leadership is proud to announce the establishment of the annual “Spirit of Promise” award. This award has been created to celebrate and recognize employees who exemplify and inspire positive values and behaviors. This staff member will be selected based on outstanding dedication, initiative, motivation, positive attitude, and customer service.
The “Spirit of Promise Award” will be awarded each year to an employee who meets the following eligibility criteria:
- The nominated staff member must have outstanding performance and demonstrate consistent dedication, initiative, motivation, positive attitude, and customer support to those with whom they interact.
- Staff members must have been employed as part time or full-time employees for the past 2 years, as of December 31, of the previous year.

This year, we are proud to announce the winner of the “2020 Spirit of Promise” – Gabbie Coons
Gabbie has been an employee of Promise since August of 2016, originally being hired as a dental assistant and later promoted as Lead Dental Assistant. Gabbie goes above and beyond every day to ensure the success of the dental department and organization as a whole. She is incredibly helpful in guiding patients through their visit; all the while ensuring they are well educated and comfortable. Gabbie is an excellent role model to her coworkers – she is enthusiastic about her work and embodies a positive spirit. Her drive to continue to develop her skills as a dental assistant is evident by her work and commitment to expanded functions in dentistry. Gabbie is efficient, intuitive, and forward thinking. She works collaboratively with all departments across the health center. She is engaged in her patients, her employees, and the organization as a whole. Gabbie is a joy to work beside and a true blessing to Promise Community Health and our patients.