24 Mar
Promise Community Health Center is staying up-to-date with the most recent COVID-19 information. Below are some helpful websites that our team continues to recommend for more information.
New recommendations for self-isolation from the Iowa Department of Public Health:
If you have potential exposure to COVID-19, stay home and isolate yourself from other people in your household for 14 days after your last exposure.
Follow this recommendation if you:
• Have taken a trip outside of Iowa for business or vacation in the last 14 days
• Have taken a cruise anywhere in the world in the last 14 days
• Live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19.
Click on the buttons below to read more information.
Also check out our Promise videos below with information on what steps Promise is taking to keep our patients and our staff safe and also one easy way you can help with your anxiety during this uncertain time.