Receiving you annual flu shot is the best way to decrease your risk of getting sick with the flu...
Promise Community Health Center has scheduled three drive thru flu shot clinics. The dates are Wednesday, September 22, Wednesday,...
Let Promise and some amazing local businesses help make it easy for you to check this off your list...
Dinner time at my house, has not always been my favorite part of the day. When my children were...
Tip #2 for National Nutrition Month is to plan your meals each week. The key to any habit is...
Our Nurse Health Coaches are always looking for ways to better help Promise patients make lifestyle changes to positively...
Promise will be partnering with Sioux Center Health to provide patients who qualify with colonoscopies.
The prestigious American Diabetes Association Education Recognition Certificate for a quality diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) service was...
Phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccination will be activated on February 1, 2021. Phase 1B contains the following priority group...
Promise Community Health Center is so excited to announce our very own Michelle van Beek the Behavioral Health Coordinator...