Promise Community Health Center will take a walk down memory lane for its ninth annual “An Evening of Promise” Celebration and Fundraiser.
“Promise has experienced a massive expansion in staff, services and facilities since opening nearly a decade ago,” Vander Waal said. “Many people have played an influential role in making Promise what it is today – a comprehensive health center committed to reaching out to all people and building a healthier community. We want to celebrate that.”
The Chase, formerly known as AK-Squared, consists of Ariel Gomez on electric guitar, Mark Brauning on drums, Daniel Amin on piano and Michel Gomez on bass – all students or alumni of Dordt College in Sioux Center. All of the members have been playing for many years in various bands before coming together to form this band.
Michel Gomez said The Chase gets its name from “continually chasing after new styles of music and different sources of inspiration.”
“We are very excited to play at this event and look forward to being able to play for a new audience,” Gomez said. “We have been experimenting with a few different jazz genres and look forward to perform it.”