15 Oct
Come get your flu shot at Promise Community Health Center’s Drive Thru Flu Clinic!
Promise Community Health Center has scheduled three drive-thru flu shot clinics. They will take place on:
- Wednesday, October 16: 3:00-6:30 P.M.
- Wednesday, October 23: 3:00 – 6:30 P.M.
- Wednesday, October 30: 3:00-6:30 P.M.
You can click on the buttons below to get your paperwork started before you come to the clinic OR you can follow the signage.
Nurses will be ready to administer shots and have a special treat for all the kiddos!
Flu Vaccine Drive-Up Patient Directions:
- Please enter the alleyway next to Promise closest to the new addition.
- Permanezca en su vehículo durante nuestra clínica. La vacuna se administrará a través de la ventana o la puerta abierta de su vehículo.
- Please wear a short-sleeved shirt.
- Vista a los bebés y niños pequeños en pañales o pantalones cortos.
- After you get your vaccine, if you would like to receive some free winter gear, please park your vehicle by Promise and walk over to our winter gear area.